
Frequently asked questions

As a team of screenwriters and analysts, we developed in-depth comprehensive script coverage process.  

As a team of screenwriters and analysts, we developed in-depth comprehensive script coverage process. 


Having taken a comprehensive approach towards script analysis, we are able to bring numerically ranked evaluation and detailed feedback of high quality.  The feedback we give in this regard is comparable to that of Script Notes.

Most of the scripts within the Script Marketplace have Script Pin Scores and Script Coverage (can be hidden by writer), for the benefit of the studio and production professionals who are searching for  the scripts of the highest quality.

Of course! International writers are more than welcome to take advantage of what we have to offer. In fact, we have a high percentage of script submissions from the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia.  

Having said that, we kindly want to add that, at this time, we only accept scripts written in English. Starting from 2019, we will be accepting scripts written in Spanish for production companies based in the United States and other countries. 

Absolutely not. You retain all copyrights and other intellectual properties vested in your work. None of Script Pin’s representatives will ever attach themselves to your script, nor will they ever demand any percentage of the sales you make through Script Pin. Whatever you earn through our platform is entirely yours!

Yes, you sure can!

We host scripts of up to 150 pages in length.

Not currently. Feel free to visit this website from time to time for updates in this regard. 

Contact us

Phone: 1 310 220 0273
Email: us@scriptpin.com